Is 0 a Positive Integer?

When it comes to the classification of numbers, there is often confusion surrounding whether zero (0) should be considered a positive integer or not. This debate has been ongoing for years, with mathematicians and experts offering different perspectives on the matter. In this article, we will delve into the topic and explore the arguments for and against considering zero as a positive integer.

Understanding the Definition of Positive Integers

Before we can determine whether zero is a positive integer, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what positive integers are. Positive integers are whole numbers greater than zero, without any fractional or decimal parts. They are represented by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.

The Argument for Zero as a Positive Integer

There are several arguments put forth by mathematicians and experts in favor of considering zero as a positive integer. Let’s explore some of these arguments:

1. Inclusion in the Set of Natural Numbers

Zero is often included in the set of natural numbers, which are the counting numbers starting from 1. This inclusion is based on the fact that zero is a whole number and is used in various mathematical operations. By considering zero as a positive integer, it aligns with its inclusion in the set of natural numbers.

2. Zero as a Non-Negative Integer

Another argument for zero being a positive integer is that it is a non-negative integer. Non-negative integers include both positive integers and zero. Since zero is not a negative number, it can be considered as a non-negative integer, which implies that it is positive or zero.

3. Zero’s Role in Mathematical Operations

Zero plays a significant role in various mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example, when adding zero to any number, the result remains unchanged. This property of zero being an additive identity is a fundamental concept in mathematics. By considering zero as a positive integer, it aligns with its role in mathematical operations.

The Argument against Zero as a Positive Integer

While there are arguments in favor of considering zero as a positive integer, there are also valid arguments against this classification. Let’s explore some of these arguments:

1. Zero’s Absence from the Set of Positive Integers

One of the primary arguments against zero being a positive integer is its absence from the set of positive integers. Positive integers are defined as whole numbers greater than zero, and zero does not meet this criterion. By excluding zero from the set of positive integers, it maintains a clear distinction between positive and non-positive numbers.

2. Zero’s Neutral Position

Zero is often considered as a neutral number, neither positive nor negative. It serves as a reference point on the number line, separating positive numbers from negative numbers. By classifying zero as a positive integer, it blurs the distinction between positive and non-positive numbers, which can lead to confusion in mathematical contexts.

3. Zero’s Role as a Placeholder

In some cases, zero is used as a placeholder or a symbol to represent the absence of a value. For example, when representing a temperature of absolute zero or an empty set, zero is used to indicate the absence of a measurable quantity. By considering zero as a positive integer, it may undermine its role as a placeholder in certain contexts.


The debate over whether zero should be considered a positive integer is a complex one, with valid arguments on both sides. While some mathematicians argue for zero’s inclusion as a positive integer based on its role in mathematical operations and its inclusion in the set of natural numbers, others argue against it to maintain a clear distinction between positive and non-positive numbers. Ultimately, the classification of zero as a positive integer may vary depending on the context and the mathematical framework being used.


Q1: Is zero a whole number?

A1: Yes, zero is considered a whole number. Whole numbers include zero and all positive integers without any fractional or decimal parts.

Q2: Is zero a natural number?

A2: The classification of zero as a natural number varies depending on the mathematical framework being used. In some contexts, zero is included in the set of natural numbers, while in others, it is excluded.

Q3: Can zero be considered a positive number?

A3: No, zero cannot be considered a positive number. Positive numbers are greater than zero, while zero serves as a neutral number separating positive and negative numbers.

Q4: Is zero an even number?

A4: Yes, zero is an even number. Even numbers are divisible by 2, and zero can be divided evenly by 2 without leaving a remainder.

Q5: Can zero be divided by any number?

A5: No, zero cannot be divided by any number except infinity. Division by zero is undefined in mathematics.

Q6: Is zero a prime number?

A6: No, zero is not a prime number. Prime numbers are defined as numbers greater than 1 that have no divisors other than 1 and themselves. Since zero does not meet this criterion, it is not considered a prime number.

Q7: Can zero be considered a negative number?

A7: No, zero cannot be considered a negative number. Negative numbers are less than zero, while zero serves as a neutral number separating positive and negative numbers.

Q8: Is zero a rational number?

A8: Yes, zero is a rational number. Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction, and zero can be expressed as 0/1.


The classification of zero as a positive integer is a topic of debate among mathematicians and experts. While some argue for zero’s inclusion based on its role in mathematical operations and its presence in the set of natural numbers, others argue against it to maintain a clear distinction between positive and non-positive numbers. Ultimately, the classification of zero as a positive integer may vary depending on the context and the mathematical framework being used.