Is 73 a Prime Number?



Prime numbers have always fascinated mathematicians and enthusiasts alike. They are the building blocks of the number system, possessing unique properties that make them intriguing. In this article, we will explore the question: Is 73 a prime number? We will delve into the definition of prime numbers, examine the divisibility rules, and provide evidence to determine whether 73 is indeed a prime number or not.

Understanding Prime Numbers

Before we dive into the specifics of 73, let’s first establish what prime numbers are. A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. In simpler terms, it is a number that cannot be evenly divided by any other number except 1 and itself.

Divisibility Rules

To determine whether a number is prime or not, we can apply various divisibility rules. Let’s explore some of the most common rules:

  • Divisibility by 2: If a number is even, meaning it ends in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, it is divisible by 2. However, if the number ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, it is not divisible by 2.
  • Divisibility by 3: If the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3, then the number itself is divisible by 3. For example, the sum of the digits of 73 is 7 + 3 = 10, which is not divisible by 3.
  • Divisibility by 5: If a number ends in 0 or 5, it is divisible by 5. Otherwise, it is not divisible by 5.
  • Divisibility by 7: Divisibility by 7 is a bit more complex. One method is to double the last digit of the number and subtract it from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 7, then the original number is divisible by 7. For example, doubling the last digit of 73 (which is 3) gives us 6. Subtracting 6 from the truncated number (7) gives us 1. Since 1 is not divisible by 7, 73 is not divisible by 7.

Is 73 a Prime Number?

Now that we understand the divisibility rules, let’s apply them to the number 73 to determine if it is a prime number:

  • 73 is an odd number, so it is not divisible by 2.
  • The sum of the digits of 73 is 7 + 3 = 10, which is not divisible by 3.
  • 73 does not end in 0 or 5, so it is not divisible by 5.
  • By applying the divisibility rule for 7, we find that 73 is not divisible by 7.

Based on these tests, we can conclude that 73 is not divisible by any of the common divisors, making it a prime number.

Prime Number Statistics

Prime numbers have unique properties that make them fascinating. Let’s explore some interesting statistics related to prime numbers:

  • The number of prime numbers is infinite, as proven by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid.
  • The largest known prime number, as of 2021, is 2^82,589,933 − 1, a number with 24,862,048 digits.
  • Prime numbers are widely used in cryptography to ensure secure communication and data encryption.
  • The distribution of prime numbers is not completely understood, and it remains an active area of research in mathematics.


In conclusion, 73 is indeed a prime number. It does not satisfy the divisibility rules for 2, 3, 5, or 7, making it only divisible by 1 and itself. Prime numbers, like 73, possess unique properties and play a crucial role in various mathematical applications. They continue to captivate mathematicians and researchers, driving further exploration into their distribution and properties.


1. What is a prime number?

A prime number is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.

2. What are some common divisibility rules?

Some common divisibility rules include divisibility by 2, 3, 5, and 7. For example, a number is divisible by 2 if it is even, and a number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.

3. How can we determine if a number is prime?

We can determine if a number is prime by applying various divisibility rules. If the number is not divisible by any other number except 1 and itself, it is prime.

4. Are there an infinite number of prime numbers?

Yes, there are an infinite number of prime numbers, as proven by Euclid.

5. What is the largest known prime number?

The largest known prime number, as of 2021, is 2^82,589,933 − 1, a number with 24,862,048 digits.

6. How are prime numbers used in cryptography?

Prime numbers are used in cryptography to ensure secure communication and data encryption. They form the basis of algorithms that protect sensitive information.

7. Why is the distribution of prime numbers still an active area of research?

The distribution of prime numbers is not completely understood, and ongoing research aims to uncover patterns and properties that can deepen our understanding of these unique numbers.

8. What role do prime numbers play in mathematics?

Prime numbers play a crucial role in various mathematical applications, including number theory, cryptography, and algorithms. They are fundamental building blocks of the number system.